Saturday 21 May 2011

Dangerous tides.

Myself, my wife and eldest daughter, were spending this afternoon on the beach. As usual, Saturday is very busy, not just with holiday makers as lots of Spanish families also hit the beach at weekends. Someone appears not to taken enough care, and paid the price for it. The crowds have dispersed a little now, the person is surrounded my multiple 'officials', but there does not appear to be any relatives here. At least they have now covered him up, it looks like a man, but then I am a hundred meters away. Unfortunately, as the season has not officially started yet, the usual lifeguards and and paramedics that would be here, are not. I was engrossed in a book as usual, so not quite sure wether he died here or has just been 'washed up', but I do think this is something that children should not have to see. The undertow current can be bad here sometimes, please be careful when you go swimming, people tend to over estimate their swimming ability, some, like this man, will pay dearly for it. An hour and a half later he is still here, face down. It was incredible how many people have a morbid curiosity with things like this, and can't resist a closer look. Maybe it is time to consider putting the emergency services here at weekends before the season starts, it may save some lives, and the heartbreak that a family is now going through.

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