Wednesday 23 February 2011


Stress! I can’t believe how stressed out I am now getting. There I am, out in the garden, in the rain, finishing the last jobs outside. My wife then decides that this would be an excellent time to sort out my tiny CD collection! There she is trying to sort stuff out, with the aid of a bin liner, can it not wait I asked her, “no” was the reply. So off with the muddy wellies again, and back into the house, with the door nearly hanging off its hinges I slammed it that hard. Eventually, after exchanging a few choice words, we decided it was much easier to do the gardening during daylight hours and sort the CD collection in the evening. The atmosphere has yet to return to total normality yet. The day did not get off to a good start either, that probably didn’t help much. Linda is having trouble a private pension she has with the Prudential. It’s only a small one, but what the hell, it all helps. She applied to have it paid out at the end of January, and they still have not managed to get it right yet. And before you ask, yes, the call centre is in India, or somewhere like it. The penny now seems to have dropped now she has put a formal complaint in. We are waiting for one form for her to sign, but they keep sending out one saying she is single, despite numerous calls explaining that she is, in fact, married. The best of all is when we asked for it to be emailed, thinking they would be up to date with their technology. “We can’t email it to you, but we can fax it”, hello, earth to Prudential, come in Prudential. Yes, we have a printer that will accept faxes, but, because you have waited so long to sort yourself out, we no longer have a phone line to attach it to. As explained to you on numerous occasions, it’s now cut off, we are leaving the country!  It’s a really good job we were not depending on this money. We now get phone calls from the UK asking if it’s arrived yet, no. Though this one is supposed to be coming by ‘special delivery’ with the Royal Mail tomorrow morning, I’m not holding my breath. Even getting this posted is a small miracle, and deeply stressful. Our mobile broadband needed topping up, what a performance. Top up online, what a good idea, if you don’t keep cutting me off, and of course it is after eight o’clock, so all those nice people in the call centre have gone home. Got there in the end. I really need a holiday after this lot, if anything goes wrong the other end, I will have a nervous breakdown. Yes, I know, keep the faith; it will all be alright on the night. Won’t it?

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